Eligibility and Conditions
for the DCMS Rural Broadband Connectivity Vouchers
Some key points extracted from the full Terms and Conditions publication.
The Terms and Conditions document is reproduced in full at the bottom of this page.
The numbers in the bulleted sections below refer to the paragraph numbers in the full Terms and Conditions document. Please note that there are two versions of para 2.3. The one which applies to us is on page 7 of the full document, under the heading Schedule 1 – Rural Vouchers.
Am I eligible?
- Check your property is included in the Compton Community Fibre Partnership scheme
- 3.3 To be eligible for a business voucher,
If required to do so, you must provide evidence of your status as a SME or sole trader.
Documentation DCMS will accept includes: VAT registration; Charity Registration: HMRC notification; sole trader UTR number; certification of incorporation (limited companies); business bank account statement issued within the last three months; non-domestic rates reference. Other documentation, such as business-related utility bills, may be acceptable in certain circumstances if combined with other documentation.
What must I do?
- 1.1 You must take up a new broadband connection which at least doubles your current speed for a minimum period of 12 months.
- 1.2 Your new contract must be for at least 12 months and
- 4.1.2 the connection must be at least 30Mb/s and
- 4.1.1 it must be gigabit capable
- After Openreach has passed details of people applying for vouchers to Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), DCMS will send an email to every applicant. You must respond to this email within 28 days.
- Your new connection must be installed within 12 months of the voucher’s validation.
- After your new connection has been installed, Openreach will tell DCMS. DCMS will ask you to confirm that it is working satisfactorily. You must respond within 28 days.
Beneficiary Terms and Conditions
Version 5.2 January 2020
Detailed terms and conditions V5.2 retrieved from the DCMS Broadband for Rural Communities – Gigabit Vouchers Scheme on gov.uk. Assumed to be available under the Open Government Licence for Public Information

Version 6.0 September 2020
Detailed terms and conditions V6.0 retrieved from the DCMS Broadband for Rural Communities – Gigabit Vouchers Scheme on gov.uk. Assumed to be available under the Open Government Licence for Public Information